Q&A: Cornelia Grimsmo
Who? Cornelia Grimsmo @corneliagrimsmo
What do you do? Social media creator and entrepreneur
First of all, thank you so much for your support. Local support means a lot, and you look amazing in our vegan dyed San Sebastian cupro dress. Tell us a bit about your vegan lifestyle.
I believe with everything in life it is important to do what feels truthful to yourself and have compassion for what other people choose to do, with no judgement. I want to have as little negative impact on animals as possible, because that feels right for me. And I choose to not make other people’s decisions my responsibility.

When did you became a vegan?
5,5 years ago. It’s been a learning curve on physical health, nutrition, mentality, compassion and judgement.
Is it hard to find clothes that fits your lifestyle?
It gets easier and easier. My first requirement was to only purchase clothes that were vegan. But the last few months I have extended that and choose ethical and sustainable produced clothes whenever possible. It is exciting to explore new brands and support those who put in the extra effort for the planet. It also makes me appreciate each piece of clothing more, as I know it was made with love and I want to keep it for as long as possible.
What is key for you to stay positive these days?
Silence my mind and listen to my heart instead. Our minds can take us down a downward spiral, but our hearts live in the present moment and remind us of what to be grateful for.
What else do you do to have a greener lifestyle?
Choosing green is on my mind in everything I do. From what food I buy - what I store the food in - to how I sort the waste. I am still learning, and try to take one step at the time, to make sure this lifestyle will be sustainable: something I can keep up and excel in throughout the years. I have reduced my traveling by a lot the last couple of years. Especially during these times- as the rest of the world has. In general, I’m good at reusing since I don’t have a desire to get new things all the time.
What are your daily routines?
I used to be very strict with my routines. These days I go more with the flow and enjoy that, but some of my favorite routines are walking with my dogs, meditation and journaling in my brain dump. journal.
Where do find your inspiration in your everyday life?
Definitely nature. I am lucky to have my backyard be majestic mountains, white beaches and the Norwegian sea. Other than that, I watch 1 film every day, sometimes 2-3 films. I love everything from old classics to new superhero blockbusters. They all inspire my work, my style and how I feel every day.
How would you describe your own style?
I value comfort, go for neutral colors and I’m drawn towards interesting cuts.
What key items do you have in your all year-round wardrobe?
The difference in seasons are pretty drastic in Norway, which forces you to change up your items a bit. But an oversized hoodie, high-waisted pants and vegan Dr.Martens boots work for me all seasons. Envelope1976 believes in sustainability and classic pieces.
Is there an item that you think never will go out of fashion?
Hopefully it will be more and more trendy to wear whatever you want to, and not follow what others approve of or not. I think you can rock whatever item at any time as long as you like it yourself.
Reuse of clothes is important to us, do you have any good advice for how to reuse clothes?
The look of a piece can change completely depending on what you pair it with and how you wear it. Being creative with mixing and matching old pieces can keep your capsule wardrobe alive for years and years. Also, small details as what color nail polish you wear, how your hair is styled and what other accessories you wear can make a new look out of old clothes.
Stronger together- what can we all do now?
Silence our minds and listen to our hearts. That will cause less division and stress, give us peace and bring us together.